Unpad is a public university located in Bandung, West Java, located at Jalan Dipati Ukur No.. 35 Bandung 40132. Up to May 2009, the student body of Unpad is 43,519 students consisted of 1,346 Doctoral students, 2,027 Master students, 843 Specialist students, 1,057 Professional students, 30,036 undergraduate students, 7,670 Diploma (D-3) students and 240 Diploma (D-4) students. Among them, 10.612 are new students of 2008/2009 intake. Number of graduates in the third Inauguration of academic year of 2008/2009 was 2,224 graduates, makes total of graduates of 167,159.

In the third Inauguration of academic year of 2008/2009, graduates finished their study in 7.10 semesters for D-3 program, 9.60 semesters for undergraduate program, 5.87 semesters for master program, and 7.86 semesters for doctorate programs.

Passing Grade

The highest Passing Grade is Medical Education, worth around 56.5.

If we detailed for Science Studies Program, 5 major shareholders is the highest PG Medical Education valued at about 56.5, about 49 worth of Pharmacy, Nursing valued at about 48.5, about 46 worth of Dentistry, and Department of Mathematics worth about 42.
As for Social Science Studies Program, 5 large holders of the highest PG is worth about 51.5 Communication Studies, worth about 50.5 Management, Accounting worth about 50, worth about 49 Legal Studies, and Economic Development is worth around 46.
Unpad was established based on the initiative of prominent society members of West Java who eager to have an higher institution at which young generation of West Java can be prepared for serving as future leaders.

After a thoroughful processes, on the 11th of September 1957, Unpad was established through the Government Regulation No. 37 of 1957 and officially opened by the President Soekarno on the 24th of September 1957.

At the time of its establishment, Unpad had only four faculties, but now it has developed to be one of the leading higher educational institutions in Indonesia with 16 faculties and a Postgraduate Program. The programs offered are Doctoral Programs consists of 9 study programs, Master Programs consists of 19 study programs, 2 Specialist Programs, 5 Professional Programs, and Undergraduate Programs consists of 44 study programs, 32 study programs of Diploma (D III) and one Diploma IV study program. In addition, Unpad also has the Research and Community Service Institute to facilitate research and community service activities.


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