Airlangga University (Indonesian: Universitas Airlangga)abbreviated to UNAIR, is one of the oldest and the best state universities in Indonesia. Located in Surabaya, East Java, the university was established in 1948 as a branch of University of Indonesia. It started with a medical school and school of dentistry, Airlangga has grown over the years and now hosts 11 schools with more than 24,143 students (in academic year 2009/2010) and close to 1,571 faculty members.

Passing Grade

The highest Passing Grade is Medical Education, worth around 50.5.

If we detailed for Science Studies Program, 5 major shareholders is the highest PG Medical Education valued at about 50.5, about 49 worth of Pharmacy, Nursing valued at about 48.5, about 46 worth of Dentistry, and Department of Mathematics worth about 42.

As for Social Science Studies Program, 5 large holders of the highest PG is worth about 51.5 Communication Studies, worth about 50.5 Management, Accounting worth about 50, worth about 49 Legal Studies, and Economic Development is worth around 46.

In 2010, Airlangga University was ranked 466th worldwide according to Top 500 QS World University Rankings 2010. In the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities 2011, Airlangga University was placed in 4th in Indonesia and 22nd in the Southeast Asia region. Moreover, Airlangga University has more than two internationally standardized quality management certificates for its management and few of its schools also have it. Besides those two, Airlangga University is also known as one of the best social sciences University, due to the strong history of Airlangga University itself.

There are total 13 faculties in Airlangga University, 1 school of postgraduate and 127 study programs offered by the faculties[2]:
• Faculty of Medicine
• Faculty of Dentistry
• Faculty of Law
• Faculty of Economy and Business
• Faculty of Pharmacy
• Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
• Faculty of Science and Technology
• Faculty of Veterinary
• Faculty of Psychology
• Faculty of Public Health
• Faculty of Humanities
• Faculty of Fisheries and Marine
• Faculty of Nursery



Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB or Bogor Agricultural University) is an Indonesian state university in Bogor.
The school traces its origins to the Landbouw Hogeschool, which has a Department of Agriculture and Forestry, started in 1940. It was continued as the Facultiet voor Landbouw-wetenschappen. This and the Facultiet der Diergeneskunde (originally the College of Veterinary Medicine (PTKH)) were part of Universiteit van Indonesie which later changed its name in 1950 to the University of Indonesia.

In 1963, by decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) No. 91, the Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine became Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), as an independent institution from the University of Indonesia. At the time, IPB consisted of five faculties: Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Fisheries, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, and the Faculty of Forestry.

Passing Grade

If we there are about 5 major shareholders is the highest PG Ilmu Komputer valued at about 50.5, about 49 worth of Statistika, Teknologi Pangan valued at about 48.5, about 46 worth of Teknik Sipil & Lingkungan, and Department of Agribisnis worth about 42.

Faculties and departments
Institut Pertanian Bogor is well-known for its agriculture and life science studies.
there are nine faculties: Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Fisheries and Marine Science, Animal Husbandry, Forestry, Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Economics and Management, and Human Ecology.
In 1972, the IPB implemented a four-year undergraduate curriculum and, in 1975, opened the first graduate school in Indonesia,



The Gadjah Mada University (Indonesian: Universitas Gadjah Mada or UGM) is the largest university in Indonesia in terms of student population. The name was taken from the name of Majapahit's Prime Minister, Gajah Mada.
UGM is located in Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. It has 18 faculties, 73 undergraduate study programs, 28 diploma study programs, and a graduate program of 62 study programs ranging from Social Sciences to Engineering. It has approximately 55,000 students, 647 foreign students, 2,240 employees, and 2,273 lecturers.
Along with University of Indonesia and Bandung Institute of Technology, Gadjah Mada University has been considered to be one of the top three premier universities in Indonesia.

Passing Grade

The highest Passing Grade is Medical Education, worth around 58.5.

If we detailed for Science Studies Program, 5 major shareholders is the highest PG Medical Education valued at about 58.5, about 52 worth of Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering valued at about 51.5, about 50 worth of Department of Chemical Engineering, and Faculty of Pharmacy worth about 49.
As for Social Science Studies Program, 5 large holders of the highest PG is worth about 52.5 Accounting, worth about 50.5 Management, Communication Studies worth about 50, worth about 49 Legal Studies, and Economic Development is worth around 49.

When founded, UGM had 6 faculties: the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy, the Faculty of Law, Social and Political Sciences, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Letters, Pedagogy and Philosophy, the Faculty of Agriculture, and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
From 1952 until 1972 the Faculty of Medicine was split into two separate faculties, the Surabaya branch of the Faculty of Law, Social, and Political Sciences was established, and the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training was integrated into IKIP Yogyakarta.
During its initial years, the University used the buildings and other facilities belonging to the Kraton of Yogyakarta (sultan Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX's palace). The university gradually established a campus of its own in Bulaksumur. The university now occupies an area of 3 square kilometres.



The Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesian: Institut Teknologi Bandung, abbreviated as ITB) is a state, coeducational research university located in Bandung, Indonesia. Established in 1920, ITB is the oldest technology-oriented university in Indonesia.
The University prides itself on its reputation as one of the country's centers of excellence in science, technology, and art. ITB was considered the top choice among Indonesia's high school students in 2006 and has been credited as one of the most prestigious universities in Indonesia, together with University of Indonesia and Gajah Mada University.

Passing Grade

In ITB, 5 major shareholders is the highest PG STIE (Sekolah Teknologi Informatika dan Elektro) valued at about 62.5, about 60 worth of FTI (Industrial Techology Faculty), FTMD valued at about 59.5, about 56 worth of SF, and FTSL worth about 52.

Sukarno, the first president of the Republic of Indonesia, earned his engineering degree in civil engineering from ITB.
The university cultivates professional and social activities by supporting its students' unions, the student government councils that exist in every department. Each students' union has its own distinctly designed jacket that, among other traditions, serves as part of its member identity. There are also a number of student activity units/clubs supporting ITB student interests in rounding out their educational experience. The university is a member of LAOTSE, an international network of leading universities in Europe and Asia exchanging students and senior scholars.
ITB's march "Mars ITB" and hymn "Hymne ITB" were arranged by a former professor, Prof. Dr. Sudjoko Danoesoebrata.



Universitas Indonesia (UI) is a modern, comprehensive, open-minded, multi-culture, and humanism campus that covers wide arrays of scientific disciplines.

Center of Administration Building (right) and Balairung (left) Universitas Indonesia
UI simultaneously strives to be one of the leading research universities and the most outstanding academic institution in the world. As a world class research university, UI seeks to achieve the highest level of distinction in the discovery, developing and diffusion of advance knowledge regionally and globally. In the meanwhile, UI is distinctive among research universities in its commitment to the academic invention and research activities through various scientific programs.

Passing Grade

The highest Passing Grade is Medical Education, worth around 60,5.

If we detailed for Science Studies Program, 5 major shareholders is the highest PG Medical Education valued at about 60,5, about 59 worth of Teknik Kimia, Teknik Sipil valued at about 56.5, about 56 worth of Teknik Industri, and Teknik Elektro worth about 54.
As for Social Science Studies Program, 5 large holders of the highest PG is worth about 50.5 Accounting, worth about 50.5 Management, Communication Studies worth about 50, worth about 49 Legal Studies, and Economic Development is worth around 46.

UI was founded in 1849 and represents the most experiencing educational institution in Asia. Additionally, Christiaan Eijkman (The Director of Javaneese Medical Doctor School-the earlier form of universitas indonesia) was awarded the Noble Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1929. He was the first to point out a substance in the rice skin and later was to be known as vitamin B1. he was also awarded the Prize for his new of investigating and his method to control diseases caused by vitamin deficiency.

Recently, UI produces more than 400.000 alumni and continues its important role both nationally and internationally. Furthermore, it is our commitment to produce high quality of education system, global standard research activities and maintaining high standard of international academic research publications.

Being one of the top best universities in the world, UI is actively expanding international cooperation with other world class universities. Vivacious cooperation had been developed in the domain of education and joint-research with the finest universities. UI builds strong cooperation with top universities such as Washington University, Tokyo University, Melbourne University, Sydney University, Leiden University, Erasmus University, Kyoto University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Australian National University, and National University of Singapore.
However, UI is actively contributes to strengthen and enlarge international network by actively participating to both regional as well as international education and research association. UI plays an active role on 7 higher learning associations in Asia Pacific, Europe, Southeast Asia, and worldwide associations such as APRU (Association of Pacific Rim Universities), AUN (ASEAN University Network), and ASAIHL (Association of South East Asia Institution of Higher Learning). The first association, UI becomes one of the board of Director of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU).

Furthermore, UI campus is one of the most magnificent green campuses in the world. UI has two campuses; one is in the central business in Jakarta (Salemba) and the second one is located in Depok areas (West Java). Depok campus is a green campus covering 320 hectares. UI maintains the ecology conservation by utilizing only 25 percent of area for academic, research and student activities; while up hold 75 percent for forestation. UI commitment for ecology is also shown by wonderful lakes (in total UI has 8 lakes) inside campus. UI is an astonishing campus that facilitates knowledge transfers and invention activities for all civitas-academica UI and humanity.


Unpad is a public university located in Bandung, West Java, located at Jalan Dipati Ukur No.. 35 Bandung 40132. Up to May 2009, the student body of Unpad is 43,519 students consisted of 1,346 Doctoral students, 2,027 Master students, 843 Specialist students, 1,057 Professional students, 30,036 undergraduate students, 7,670 Diploma (D-3) students and 240 Diploma (D-4) students. Among them, 10.612 are new students of 2008/2009 intake. Number of graduates in the third Inauguration of academic year of 2008/2009 was 2,224 graduates, makes total of graduates of 167,159.

In the third Inauguration of academic year of 2008/2009, graduates finished their study in 7.10 semesters for D-3 program, 9.60 semesters for undergraduate program, 5.87 semesters for master program, and 7.86 semesters for doctorate programs.

Passing Grade

The highest Passing Grade is Medical Education, worth around 56.5.

If we detailed for Science Studies Program, 5 major shareholders is the highest PG Medical Education valued at about 56.5, about 49 worth of Pharmacy, Nursing valued at about 48.5, about 46 worth of Dentistry, and Department of Mathematics worth about 42.
As for Social Science Studies Program, 5 large holders of the highest PG is worth about 51.5 Communication Studies, worth about 50.5 Management, Accounting worth about 50, worth about 49 Legal Studies, and Economic Development is worth around 46.
Unpad was established based on the initiative of prominent society members of West Java who eager to have an higher institution at which young generation of West Java can be prepared for serving as future leaders.

After a thoroughful processes, on the 11th of September 1957, Unpad was established through the Government Regulation No. 37 of 1957 and officially opened by the President Soekarno on the 24th of September 1957.

At the time of its establishment, Unpad had only four faculties, but now it has developed to be one of the leading higher educational institutions in Indonesia with 16 faculties and a Postgraduate Program. The programs offered are Doctoral Programs consists of 9 study programs, Master Programs consists of 19 study programs, 2 Specialist Programs, 5 Professional Programs, and Undergraduate Programs consists of 44 study programs, 32 study programs of Diploma (D III) and one Diploma IV study program. In addition, Unpad also has the Research and Community Service Institute to facilitate research and community service activities.